Health Services Heading

Deborah Keith

Deborah Keith

Health Services Coordinator

Student Services Center
1701 NE Wildcat Way
Bentonville, AR 72712

(479) 367-8049

Health Services in the school setting is one of the most rapidly expanding sub-specialties of nursing. To keep up with this growing trend, Bentonville Schools provides experienced and qualified Registered Nurses in every school. As increased attention has focused on the schools as a site where prevention, early intervention, education and acute care occurs, the school nursing role has changed to incorporate increased responsibilities for managing the health service program and expanded clinical skills to serve students with a wide range of health risks, illnesses and disabilities.


Deadline October 1

All students (Virtual and Blended) must be in compliance with Arkansas Immunization Laws

Students needing immunizations had written notification inside their report cards in June. Letters will be sent home in August/September.

If you are unsure of your child’s compliance, check your records, contact the Benton County Health Department at 479 986-1300, visit the
Arkansas Department of Health or call your family physician. 

Students not meeting the immunization requirements will be excluded from school on October 1st (or 30 days from their enrollment date if enrollment is after September 2) and will not be able to return  until they show proof of one of the following:

  1. Dates of required immunizations on official letterhead. (Please bring documentation to your school nurse.)

  2. If you need to make an appointment to obtain compliance, you may bring in the documentation on clinic letterhead stating the future appointment date -signed by medical personnel. Appointment dates after October 1st will be accepted. Students will not be able to attend school if that appointment is not kept. 

  3. Proof of completed/notarized ADH Immunization Exemption application. (501 537-8969) or visit the Arkansas Department of Health Immunization Exemption website.

  4. Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) letter stating immunization exemption.